by communication | May 23, 2022 | Latest News
In the era of massive tourism, we are used to pilgrimages in which we reach the Holy Land by plane, travel around it inside an air-conditioned bus, stay in friendly hotels and eat in restaurants. But have you ever wondered how pilgrimages were back in time? In those...
by webdeveloper | Jul 14, 2020 | Latest News
Travelling is not that easy this summer due to the pandemic restrictions. Therefore, local tourism has boosted. Israel has not been an exception and this situation has strengthened the trend of Israelis visiting the Christian sites in their country. Haaretz, a local...
by webdeveloper | Apr 4, 2019 | Latest News, Uncategorized
This April, Saxum Visitor Center was thrilled to be able to fulfill one of its longtime goals: to host a course for tour guides as part of the continuing education program of the Ministry of Tourism. Every year, tour guides have to take a day-long course to update...
by webdeveloper | Jan 21, 2019 | Latest News, Uncategorized
This month Saxum traveled to Portugal to present the Visitor Center to Portuguese travel agencies. The Israeli Tourism Seminars organised by EL AL are an innovative way of engaging global tour agencies with tourism in the Holy Land. This month, we at Saxum Visitor...