by communication | May 23, 2022 | Latest News
In the era of massive tourism, we are used to pilgrimages in which we reach the Holy Land by plane, travel around it inside an air-conditioned bus, stay in friendly hotels and eat in restaurants. But have you ever wondered how pilgrimages were back in time? In those...
by communication | Apr 26, 2022 | Latest News
It happened one more year: Holy Week gave way to Easter in Jerusalem, where the events of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus took place. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Cenacle, Gethsemane, Saint Peter in Gallicantu or the Via Dolorosa were the sites...
by webdeveloper | Nov 22, 2021 | Latest News
“It’s amazing; everyone should come. You are walking and seeing the Gospel with your own eyes.” Amparo, of Valencia, Spain, is among the first to visit the Holy Land since the pandemic, thanks to the lifting of travel restrictions to the country. With...
by webdeveloper | May 21, 2021 | Latest News
The feast of the Invention of the Cross and the feast of Saint Helena are celebrated in May and commemorate the finding of the most precious relic of Christianity. According to researchers, the very early Christians did not have any special interest in gathering what...
by webdeveloper | Nov 17, 2020 | Latest News
A visit to the Holy Sepulchre with Nizar Halloun, tour guide and journalist in Jerusalem The Holy Sepulchre is probably the most fascinating site of the Holy Land. However, many tourists and pilgrims get the impression of a very chaotic and crowded place, with...